Architectural and Related Services
New construction of a day care facility on Nonnenwaldstra?e in Penzberg, planning services for property planning for buildings and interiors, service phases 1 to 9 inclusive. Section 34 (3) HOAI
Description: The city of Penzberg intends to build a children's home on the property between the sports field and Nonnenwaldstrasse (Müllerholz) with 4 crèche groups and 3 kindergarten groups (day care center). The seven-group facility is managed by an agency with the administration in-house. The children's home will offer an integrative care program. In the course of drawing up the development plan, a forested section of the so-called "Müllerholz" as part of the green center of the city of Penzberg is converted into a building area for public use. The development plan procedure required for this is approved by the city council of the city of Penzberg with the decision to draw up the 3rd amendment to the development plan "Sportst?tte Müllerholz" for the establishment of the daycare center on the plots of land. Nos. 943/21 and 944 of 18.02.2020 have been decided in the accelerated procedure according to § 13a BauGB and is in the start phase. Early public participation will be the first step. The location has space potential for several urban facilities. This is to be seen as a future storage and development area. A space-saving design of the building is aimed for. The organizational possibilities of a multi-storey solution to the construction task must be explored. A double use of the existing parking lot for daycare and club use of the nearby sports facilities results in a synergy effect, so that no parking spaces need to be built. The plot of land available for development falls to the west approx. 4-5 m. The extensive stock of trees must be cleared for development. The children's house is intended as a permanent solid construction. The choice of building materials and types of construction must be developed economically from the task solution. An expansion or a division into construction sections of the children's home is not intended. According to the preliminary cost estimate, the gross construction costs based on the expected conversion space (BRI) with basement for the cost groups 300 and 400 amount to approximately EUR 5.0 million. For the new daycare facility, the planning services for property planning for buildings and interiors, service phases 1 to 9 inclusive, are used in this procedure. Section 34 (3) HOAI. Fee zone III in accordance with Section 35 HOAI is used to calculate the architect's fee. Comparable construction projects with a similar level of difficulty were used to estimate the fee zone. The order comprises the basic services of property planning in accordance with Section 34 (4) HOAI of service phase 1 to 9 inclusive based on Annex 10 number 10.1 HOAI. In addition to the basic services from Annex 10.1 HOAI, the following special services are the subject of the order:- Participate in applying for and accounting for funding,- drawing up and updating a room book, including the detailed presentation (service phase 5),- Participate in the review of construction-related supplementary offers (service phase 7),- Participate in the creation of the proof of use (service phase 8),- Monitoring the elimination of defects within the limitation period (service phase 9).The new building is scheduled to be completed in September 2022 for the daycare center to go into operation.
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: Date: 09/05/2020 Local time: 00:00